The Fascination of Leaves (Minew)

2023.10.16 BLOG

(Translated from the original post on November 17, 2022)

Hello, this is Minew.

The mornings and evenings are suddenly getting colder. It's late fall, there are few flowers in bloom, and the insects have disappeared. Do you think there is nothing to photograph? That's not true! There are always plenty of things to please your eyes. In this issue, I would like to show you some photos of "leaves".

For plants, "flowers and fruits" are the highlights of their creations, and they look vivid to the human eye. Leaves, on the other hand, do not have flashy colors like red or yellow, so we can focus on their shapes, tones, and textures. Each plant has its own unique leaves, and as you observe them, you will discover new beauty and interest.

GR III, P mode, ISO100, 1/60sec, F4.0, -1.7EV, WB: Auto

I found this one in a planted area of a temple. I was about to walk past it. Then I thought, "Wait, wait, what was that?" I turned around and looked closer. What a presence! The contrast between the new leaves in the center and the brightness of the leaves in the background was fascinating.

I was just walking and had no intention of taking pictures. It was an instinctive snapshot of something sparkling that suddenly caught my eye. This is where GR comes in. This is why going outside is so much fun.

GR III, P mode, ISO400, 1/60sec, F2.8, -2.7EV, WB: Auto, Crop 35mm, Retouched (Level Compensation)

A fern with a beautiful row of bright green leaves. I set the exposure compensation to a negative value so that the leaves are moderately bright and the water surface in the background is dark and subdued. I was satisfied with this shot after taking dozens of shots to capture the impression I was getting.

GR III, P mode, ISO100, 1/60sec, F4.5, -0.7EV, WB: Auto

The shape of a fern leaf is said to be a kind of "fractal," a complex and orderly repeating figure. The overlapping of these shapes gives the image a sense of harmony and rhythm.

GR IIIx, P mode, ISO100, 1/125 sec, F2.8, -1.0EV, WB: Auto, Hard B&W

An ajania with white fringes on the leaves. I wanted the viewer to focus on the shapes and tones, so I shot with Image Control: Hard Monotone (Hard BW), leaving the colors out. The repeating pattern looks so beautiful that I want to use it as wallpaper.

GR III, P mode, ISO200, 1/50sec, F2.8, +1.3EV, WB: Auto, Crop 35mm, Retouched (Crop, Level Compensation)

The last one is a leaf my wife found while sweeping up leaves in our yard. It may be a coincidence, but it looks like a face with marks that insects have eaten. It's talking (Laughs). Cleaning the yard can be fun if you look for faces.

* * * * * *

How was it? I hope you find the leaves fascinating too.

See you soon!


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