“GR PHOTO FESTIVAL” is being held! We will start accepting submissions.

2022.10.21 BLOG

Hello! This is Machuko@- the admin.

The details of the GR photo contest, the "GR PHOTO FESTIVAL", which we announced on the Ricoh Imaging website a few days ago, have been released today!

And today, we will start accepting entries.


Starting this year, the GR PHOTO FESTIVAL is a new project that we will hold annually as a GR's special project.

We hope that many of you who enjoy photography with the GR series will participate.

We will be accepting submissions from all over the world on the theme of "Daily Life". Ten professional photographers from around the world will join us to select three works each based on their perspectives.

There will be no ranking, no prizes, and no awards.

The 10 photographers who use GRs have gathered together from around the globe to be the jury. Thank you very much!

Each of these 10 judges will choose works from their own point of view.

It will be exciting to see who will choose what kind of work.

Even in ordinary day-to-day life, a camera can help you have a lot of new awareness.

Simply changing your perspective can make your everyday life more enjoyable and sparkling.

We believe that those ordinary pictures will become very important when you look back on them years later.

What would a GR-like photo contest be like? As a result of thinking about it, I decided to make it like this because I wanted people to enjoy taking pictures, rather than competing for the superiority or inferiority of the works.

We hope that the GR PHOTO FESTIVAL will be an opportunity for you to start recording everyday moments.

Starting with this contest, we are planning to have more communications around the world. We hope to brush up next year and the year after so that those of you who participate can enjoy it even more!

In addition, if you have an Instagram account and you post your work, we would appreciate it if you could post it with the two tags #grphotofestival #grsnaps.

Our thoughts on GR photos and cameras are summarized in the GR STORY and GR CONCEPT MOVIE, so please take a look at them.

We look forward to your submissions!


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