(translated from the original post on December 10, 2019)
Hello, cat photo lovers. This is Minew.
The first snow fell in Kanto Plain and we are now in the season when we don’t want to go out. It’s time to relax with cat photos!
In autumn, the sunlight comes deep into the room. Cats know where is comfortable in the room, find the sunlight, and lay down there to catch the warmth.

GR III, P mode, ISO200, 1/400sec, F7.1, EV-0.7, WB: Auto, Crop 35mm
Time flows slowly here. I notice some leaves are still on the shadow branches and the sun moves while shooting.

GR III, P mode, ISO320, 1/200sec, F3.5 EV + 0.3
In March last year, I wrote an article "Sleepy Cats”. The four cats are doing good. The little one has grown big.
The GR III is excellent for cat photos as expected. No, more than expected!
• Image stabilizer and high ISO performance make dark indoor shooting easier
• Easy to use touch AF to pinpoint focus on eyes
• More natural auto white balance in indoor lighting
I got to know a lot of points by using them.

GR III, P mode, ISO200, 1/500sec, F2.8, EV-1.0, WB: Auto, Crop 35mm, Trimmed
How come she get on the tissue box? (laughs) This is her favorite place. The cats black and white pattern has a wide range of light and dark, so I took some pictures with some exposure variations to keep a balance between highlight and shadow. It’s become a sharp portrait with the dark background.

GR III, P mode, ISO320, 1/8sec, F2.8, EV + 0.7, Trimmed, Level Correction
Cats like to sneak under a sheet. You can insert the GR III into the narrow gap and shoot at close distance. A photo you can take only with a quiet and compact camera with live-view like the GR.
* * * * * *
We are now doing the series writers GR III settings. I will share with you my settings for indoor cats.
-Assigned to U1 (USER1) mode dial as "Cat_Room" settings
[Still Image Settings]
• Focus: Pinpoint AF
• Exposure Mode: P Program AE
• Metering Mode: Highlight-weighted
• ISO: 800
• Program Line: Max Aperture Priority
• White Balance: Multi Auto
• AWB in Tungsten Light: High
• Drive Mode: Bracketing ±0.3
• Image Control: Standard Contrast -2
• Automatic Horizon Correction: On
[Custom Settings]
• ADJ Mode Setting: JPEG Recorded Pixels, Aspect Ratio, ISO Setting, Image Control, Outdoor View Setting
• Fn Button: Crop
• ISO Button: Drive
• Touch AF: AF Point+Focus
What I consciously do is to use “Highlight-weighted" metering so that it’s not affected by cats black and white or brown body colors. When shooting, I often adjust the ISO and exposure compensation according to the light conditions. I hope you find it helpful.
* * * * * *

GR III, P mode, ISO800, 1/13sec, F2.8, EV0.0, Crop 35mm, Trimmed, Level Correction
Cats look the best when they are sleeping. Two or three of them are rolled up and overlapped together in their favorite basket and sleep in different postures every night. I wonder if they know what they look like.
The number of cat pictures continues to grow just like that.
See you next time!