(Translated from the original post on July 26, 2022)
Hello, this is Minew. It's getting hotter, how are you? I like to walk in the morning.
In June 2022 BLOG article, Asakura talked about taking pictures of the outside from a train window (link to Japanese BLOG), and this time I want to talk about cats at the window.
There are times when I go for a walk and suddenly feel that someone is looking at me. I turn my head and see them staring out the window. Here are some of these photos.

GR III, P mode, ISO 400, 1/1000s, F4.5, +1.0EV, WB: Auto, Crop 50mm

GR IIIx, P mode, ISO 200, 1/320 sec, F4.5, +0.3EV, WB: Auto, Crop 71mm, Retouched (Rotated, Cropped)
If there is a window, make sure the window frame is looking straight across the frame. This works best if your camera is pointing straight at the window.
If you are looking up at the window, you may not be able to face it squarely, and the upper part of the picture will look squashed, but if you position the camera so that the horizontal frame stays horizontal and the vertical line in the center is perpendicular, the composition will look more stable.
However, it is not easy to precisely align the vertical and horizontal lines in the short time available for snapshots, especially with wide-angle lenses.
In such cases, displaying the grid on the monitor screen makes it easier to use the grid lines as a guide. To set this up, go to the following menu item
MENU > Customize Settings > Display Customization > Shooting Info. Display
Select the Grid check box to display the grid on the monitor screen when shooting.
I set it to the second setting (by pressing the DISP button once). There are two grid styles: '3x3' and '4x4', and I set it to 3x3.

But sometimes the resulting image can be tilted.
In such cases, the in-camera rotation correction (cropping) function of the GR III and GR IIIx can correct tilt in 0.1 degree increments.
MENU > Playback Settings > Image Edit > Cropping

GR IIIx, P mode, ISO100, 1/160sec, F3.2, WB: Auto, Crop 71mm, Retouched (Level Correction)

GR IIIx, P mode, ISO2500, 1/8sec, F2.8, -1.3EV, WB:Auto, Retouched (Rotated, Level Compensation)
The two pictures above are of my cats.
Cats love to look out the window, but when I come home and see them in the window, I feel so happy that I think (wrongly?) "Oh, honey, you've been waiting for me!
* * * * * *
This time I wanted to share with you some photos of cats I have met through the window.
I hope you will enjoy photographing "window cats". Be sure to remember your manners when pointing your camera from the window into the room.
See you soon!

GR III, P mode, ISO200, 1/320sec, F2.8, 0.0EV, WB:Auto, Crop 50mm