Introducing Members (Machuko@)

2018.07.13 BLOG


First time to be here, I’m Machuko@- the admin for the GR official.
I work mostly behind the curtain.

I am in the advertisement and public relations department.
My first encounter with the GR was around 2008? I was given a used GR DIGITAL II by chance. Coincidentally I became in charge of cameras the following year. It’s been 9 years since then.

The GR is my favorite camera now.

Since my father liked cameras, I would often play with cameras and take photos when I was younger and I have loved them throughout my life.
So I’m thankful that I have met the camera I love and have been involved in the work of it.

Well, It’s impossible to compare myself with the writers here. They love cameras, photography, and the GR so much more than I do.

In order for you to understand them better and feel more familiar, I have written brief introductions of them along with their avatars. See the ABOUT page of the GR official (there is a link in the footer).

I will be happy if you get to know of each writer better.

And please leave us your questions and comments about our posts or tell us what you want to read in the future posts on our social media.
Your voice encourages us.

We all are hoping to make such a website that we can do various things together with you. I thank you for your support.

Lastly, here is an image I took with the GR DIGITAL II in 2008.

I remember I went to a neighborhood park still knowing little about how to use it, took a photo because the sunlight was beautiful like a spotlight, and the image turned out as I had wanted it to be.

GR DIGITALII in May 2008

I’ll be seeing you sometimes!


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【GRist】 Alao Yokogi in July

2018.07.06 | BLOG


GR meet Osaka Report! (ARA)

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GR official SNS

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