Signs of Autumn (Emi)

2019.10.22 BLOG

Hello, this is Emi.

Although there are still days when I sweat during the day, in the morning and evening, it already feels like autumn. When I look up, the sky is high with the autumn clouds floating- it is my most favorite season and the most beautiful season of all.

Autumn flowers are starting to bloom. Many flowers in this time of the year seem to have characteristic shapes.

I often see them on street.

GR III P F2.8 1/125 ISO200 EV-0.3

One of the Japanese seven autumn herbs. It becomes fluffy when in bloom.

GR III Av Macro F3.5 1/30 ISO500 EV-0.3

Both balloon-like buds and pentagonal flowers look like fun. If you look carefully in the photo, you will see a small insect on the stamen. I didn't notice it until I saw the picture.

In my case, it’s always; flower = macro. I would like to learn some other ways as well.

Thank you!


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