Announcing GR SNAPS Vol. 8 Selections!

2020.03.31 BLOG

Here is the result of GR SNAPS Vol. 8.

When you think of macro, it is common to think of approaching the subject closely to take close-up shots, but many of the works submitted this time were not necessarily like that. It was interesting to see diverse interpretations of macro.

When selecting, we were talking like what is this picture? which part is this? And when they became clear, we went ah-ha!

Things you see daily can look very different from a macro perspective. Looking at your photos, we can tell you had fun shooting.

Thank you for posting many images this time again!!

The following 5 works have been selected.

★ set_953
Everything is perfect from the subject, the plant, to the background including the color of the sky and bokeh. This one had the most votes.

★ prach_w
A small frog fills the picture. Its loose posture makes you smile. Doesn't it hurt its back?

★ northmanstyle
We are purely impressed with the beauty of snowflakes. It’s not too close, a good macro distance. It’s like a gift from winter.

★ tovi_tovita
The bright green catches your eye. The vertical composition is effective to make it look stable.

★ an11111
The classic macro- a spider's web with jewels of morning dew. While the overall dews are in focus, the composition of large and small and the slack of the web is excellent.

Continue posting your photos with "#grsnaps" even after GR SNAPS entry period.
We regram our favorite photos daily on RICOH GR Official Instagram account!

Your suggestions on future themes will be appreciated, too.

Thank you for joining us again.
Until next time!

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