Everyday Perspectives (Minew)

2018.06.14 BLOG

Hello, everyone!
In Japan, seasons change so fast around this time of the year. From spring to early summer- I love the most.

When seasons change like this, something different from yesterday can easily be found in ordinary places and everyday life.

There are various ways to take photos on the theme "everyday life", but let me take photographing when feeling the change of the season on the way to work for example.

GXR + GR Lens 50mm, April 2017

There was a park next to my office, and I would always walk inside.
If you go there everyday, every year, you will notice the changes of flowers’ colors and density of green everyday, every year.

It is fun to find beautiful flowers growing like weeds at the roadside.

GR II, May 2018

Looking inside the house, I see the cats often look out out of the window. Then I imagine how they feel as they spend everyday.

GR II, January 2018

There are everyday of town, everyday of family, everyday of work, everyday of hobby and so on.
I am looking forward to seeing your own perspectives of everyday.

See you!


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