夏のシアトルから (ゆか)

2018.07.20 BLOG



“Hi, I am Cam.
I was born in Huntington Beach California. I grew up surfing, water skiing, and playing soccer. I moved to Washington State when I was in the 6th grade, continued playing sports, got through high school and eventually attended Washington State University where I majored in communications. I worked as a DJ on a local radio station and DJ the nightclubs in the evenings.
Now at 38, I am husband to my wife Jenifer for 12 years, father of a 15-month-old Maveric, yes, I named my son after the coolest movie ever, Top Gun. Who didn’t want to be a fighter pilot at 10 years old? Passions include, photography (obviously), cooking, and building things around the house. Let’s just say if you want to grill a whole pig or side of beef and build the outdoor kitchen to do it in, I’m your guy.

I am a brand-new user to the Ricoh GR ll and for years I have lugged around a Canon 5d mark iii with multiple lenses. A beautiful piece of equipment but hardly the agile slip out of my pocket at any moment camera my life with a child now basically demands. For years I have wanted a camera; not an iPhone, that was easy to carry and could provide me high quality, while letting me have complete control of the settings.
A simple straight forward and easy to understand menu have made this a camera perfect to pick up and start shooting immediately. In one hand I can make quick adjustments and move on the next moment waiting to be captured. I have not even begun to touch the full capabilities of the camera, I am excited to continue leaning and share my experiences as I go.
Below are just a few shots over this past weekend at our lake house and back yard, these moments, for me are the best, just family and friends, I don’t even want to think about how many moments I have missed capturing simply because I didn’t have my camera in my pocket. Time to get your camera out and make some memories. ”


現在38歳で、妻ジェニファーとは12年前に結婚し、15ヶ月の息子マーベリックがいます。気づいた人もいるかもしれませんが、史上最高にクールな映画「トップガン」にちなんでつけた名前です(10歳のとき戦闘機パイロットに興味を持たない子なんていないでしょ?)。 趣味は言うまでもなく写真撮影、そして料理や家まわりのものづくりなど。例えば、豚の丸焼きや牛肉の塊をグリルしたくて、屋外にそのためのキッチンを作りたいと思ってる人がいたとします。そんな時は私の出番です。

GR IIユーザー歴は短く、キヤノン5D Mark IIIを複数のレンズとともに長年愛用してきました。素晴らしい装備ですが、子どもがいる我が家でいま基本的に必要としている、さっとポケットから取り出して撮るというようなことはできません。iPhoneじゃない、持ち運びがカンタン、高品質で、設定を完全にコントロールできるカメラをずっと探していました。





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